Monday, August 07, 2006

on life

Life! Don't talk to me about life!
-Marvin, the paranoid android, in Douglas Adams' Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy

Marvin is a robot, the first one to be given a human personality (GPP - Genuine People Personality). It is no wonder that he does not think very highly of life, or of humans who are clearly intellectually inferior to him. He brings that out time and again in a series of equally tactless ways earning him the "middle name" paranoid.

Life, loathe it or ignore it, you can't like it.

I won't enjoy it.

Wearily on I go, pain and misery my only companions. And vast intelligence, of course. And infinite sorrow. I despise you all.

Despite that he is a lovable character. Or may be he is lovable because of that. He has summarized the very essence of life so beautifully! Often we are full of life, and then before we know something seeps it out of us. Life is proceeding smoothly and all of a sudden the rug gets pulled. If not today, tomorrow. But we experience this sentiment several times before physical life gets seeped out. Poor Marvin, he stands no such chance.

Life is what we make of it.

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